These pages will hold papers which aim to illustrate both sense and significance (Den Sinn und die Bedeutung) of the new physical semeiotics, i.e., Biophysical Semeiotics, and personal view-points on Medicine Kingdom.

Today, at the begin of third millenium, one feels mostly the necessity of efficacious physical semeiotics, which rather than substitute the older, academic, traditional one, complete it, enlarging its border. The descovery of numerous constitutions and Pre-Metabolic Syndrome makes possible the real and successful primary prevention of the most common and serious human diseases. In fact, the  possibility to recognize, e.g., both Oncological Terrain and Oncological Real Risk allows doctor to perform malignancy primary prevention, which is different from the screening realized now-a-days all over the world. The open letter to Mr Ministro della Salute Prof. Sirchia, regarding a biophysical-semeiotic model of breast cancer primary prevention on very large scale outlines clearly the already reached achievements, in the interest of diseased men, physician’s profession dignity, and finally NHS budget.



08.03.2009 - Article on a National Italian Newspaper




02.12.2008 - Links.



20.09.2008 - Importance of Knowing Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics.

Notoriously, from the epistemiological viewpoint, a physical-semeiotic theory for being accepted from world-wide medical class must necessarily be more valid, giving a larger number of information than the previous one, that, among others considerations, has exceeded many controls in the course of the time (1-10). In following, some among the main reasons that justify the necessity and the usefullness of the acquaintance of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics by doctors, are illustrated (11-21).

1)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics allows doctors to bedside recognize in one second Oncological Terrain, even “latent” or  “residual” (1), otherwise difficult to be diagnosed, conditio sine qua non of the malignant tumors, both solid and liquid. The acquaintance of this predisposition to malignancy, genetically directed and transmitted generally by the mother, renders the selection of the subjects with oncological terrain possible and, moreover, it facilitates bedside recognizing the real location of their risk, estimated in a “quantitative” way, base of cancer primary prevention, in "all" individuals predisposed to this pathology. Fortunately, the individuals can nowadais be selected and enlisted in a rational way, avoiding useless and expensive examinations in about 65 % of all cases, always conduct partially and not adequately, ending in enormous expenses for the SSN, and causing serious and avoidable worries for those who are free from oncological terrain, and obtaining very poor results (2).

2)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics allows the rapid diagnose of numerous constitutions, even “latent”, among which the dyslipidaemic "and" diabetic constitution, conditio sine quan non of the type 2 diabetes (that is about 95% of all the cases). An efficacious primary prevention of the type 2 diabetes in individuals at inherited real risk, is today clinical and is founded on the diet, etimologically speaking, and on the histangioprotective drug use, as Melatonine (3, 4, 5, 10).

3)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics permitts to recognize in a few seconds the Pre-Metabolic Syndrome, classic and variant, the later conditio sine quan non not of lithiasis (1). It  follows to the several constitutions with the related inherited “real risk” (diabetic, dyslipidaemica, hypertensive, gouthy, osteoporotic, etc.) and can precedes of years or decades the Metabolic Syndrome, that can end in notes metabolic and cardiovascular pathologies, actual epidemics (1, 3, 5, 6) (V. Practical Applications, 6 articles on Mellito Diabetes). The Pre-Metabolica Syndrome represents the "locus" of the Primary Prevention appliable on very large scale in individuals rationally selected.

4)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics allows clinicians to recognize rapidly and quantitatively tissue level ofimportant citochine of the adipose tissue, like Adiponectine and the Leptin, which, through the stimulation of PPARs, play a primary role in the glico-lipidic metabolism and aterogenesis (, Practical Applications). In addition, doctor can monitor at the bed-side the metabolic-endocrine state in objective way, express and reproducable according to need (Bibliography in the site).

5)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics permitts early and rapid diagnosis of numerous and common human diseases (including appendicitis) (1, 9) facilitating the diagnostic iter and reducing the HNS expense (e.g., avoiding useless hospitalization and the excessive recource to the laboratory and the department of the images).

6)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics allows doctor to exclude in one second whatever disorder, both possible or overt, independently of its nature. This aspect plays a central role in the importance of knowing the new physical semeiotics. In fact, the absence of gastric aspecific reflex, simultaneous to “intense” stimulation, for instance, of a thyroid trigger-point, allows to exclude present and future disorder of thyroid, benign or malignant in nature. Analogously, the absence of CAD inherited real risk indicates that these coronary vessels will not involved by such as disorder, even in presence of well-known, 300 environmental risk factors! (22-24). This is an epochal event, whose role is paramount in bot diagnosis and primary prevention. As a matter of fact, such as manoeuvre facilitate enormously diagnostic iter in a revolutionari way.

7)   Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics allows to make “clinical” tele-diagnosis, utilizing both doctor and patient only a phone to cumunicate. As a consequence, it represents an epochal change in the care for humans involved by disorders, e.g., in the sea and mountains.


In conclusion, doctors have to realize that there are two different Medicine, the old, acadèmic, traditional one, and the “new”, really 50 year-old one, based on the fact that in all biological systems, including the microcirculatory bed, where deterministic chaos plays a pivotal role, besides local realm there is also no local realm (11-21). 

Formerly, with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics, originated by the old auscultatory percussion, I described the microcirculatory bed as deterministic chaotic byological system, especially under physiological conditions In fact, in a lot of papers, I underlined both the biological significance of microvascular deterministic chaos, vasomotility and vasomotion, of all tissues and organs, and the central role in diagnosing, according to Angiobiopathy Theory(1-8) (See

In health, we observe at the bed-side by means of a large number of reflexes, untill now unknown, unpredictable, irregular microvessel oscillations in all tissues.

Interestingly, since November 2007, I have applied Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics in the study of  biological systems (11-21).

On the contrary, slow or rapid appearing of regular, and predictable microvessel fluctuations shows a typical pathological disorder,  chronic and respectively acute. In a 52-year-long clinical experience this original evaluation proved to be a usefull and reliable tool in bed-side diagnosis, prevention, therapeutic monitoring and research.


1. Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico”. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

2. Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., La Melatonina nella Terapia del Terreno Oncologico e del “Reale Rischio” Oncologico. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004

3. Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni  Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

4. Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Single Patient Based Medicine.La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

5. Stagnaro S. Pivotal role of Biophysical Semeiotic Constitutions in Primary Prevention. Cardiovascular Diabetology.2003, 2:1,

6. Sergio Stagnaro  Biophysical Semeiotic Constitutions, Genomics, and Cardio-Vascular Diseases. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004,

7. Stagnaro  Sergio. Bed-Side Evaluating Breast Cancer Real Risk.  World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2005, 3:67doi:10.1186/1477-7819-3-67.  

8. Stagnaro  Sergio. Bedside Assessing ANS, RAAS, and IIR: a complex Relation to type 2 Diabetes. Cardiovascular Diabetology,15 November 2005.

9. Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Appendicite. Min. Med. 87, 183 [Medline]

10. Stagnaro Sergio Biophysical-Semeiotic Bed-Side Evaluating PPARs Activity in Metabolic Syndrome.   Cardiovascular Diabetology. (19 September 2005) 

11. Stagnaro Sergio e Paolo Manzelli.  L’Esperimento di Lory. Scienza e Conoscenza, N° 23, 13 Marzo 2008.

12. Stagnaro Sergio.  Reale Rischio Congenito di Cancro Renale Diagnosticato con la Semeiotica Biofisica: il Segno di Pollio., 25 Marzo 2008,

13. Stagnaro Sergio.   Il Cammino della Medicina : Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica.Mutazioni Genetiche E Disfunzioni Dei Sistemi Biologici., 30 Aprile 2008,

14.  Stagnaro Sergio.  Melanoma? Escluso in 1 Secondo con La Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica. Il Reale Rischio Congenito di Melanoma., 9 Aprile 2008,

15. Stagnaro Sergio. Diagnosi clinica di cuore sano in un secondo!  7 Aprile 2008.

16. Stagnaro    Sergio.   Non Local Realm.  Response to Selection for Social Signalling Drives the Evolution of Chameleon Colour Change. (01 February 2008).,  

17.  Stagnaro Sergio.  Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica: Diagnosi Precoce e Rapida di Metastasi Ossee 15 Gennaio 2008. 2008

18. Stagnaro Sergio. La Diagnosi Clinica nella Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica. 02-05-2008, 2008

19. Stagnaro Sergio. Role of  NON-LOCAL Realm in Primary Prevention with Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics., 01 Feb, 2008-05-17 2008

20. Stagnaro Sergio.  Bedside recognizing Inherited CAD Real Risk. 21 May, 2008. 2008

21. Stagnaro Sergio.  Bed-Side Biophysical-Semeiotic Evaluation of Thyroid Dysfunction in Cardiology. Ann Int Medic. 21 May, 2008, 2008

22. Stagnaro Sergio e Manzelli Paolo.   Semeiotica Biofisica Quantistica: Livello di Energia libera tessutale e Realtà non locale nei Sistemi biologici. , 29 maggio 2008, 

23. Stagnaro Sergio.  Role of Coronary Endoarterial Blocking Devices in Myocardial Preconditioning - c007i. Lecture, V Virtual International Congress of Cardiology. 2007.

24. Stagnaro Sergio.  Overlooking CAD Inherited Real Risk CAD Occurrence Will Continue! Medical News Today, 2008.

25. Stagnaro Sergio.  Bedside evaluation of cad biophysical-semeiotic inherited real risk under nir-led treatment., 2008.



28.05.2006 -Biophysical-Semeiotic Criteria of Diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome: Difference between Pre-Metabolic and Metabolic Syndrome

Because of 50-years in clinical experience, I partially agree with the authors’ conclusions in the joint statement from the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (1).  They rightly underscore "that too much critically important information is missing to warrant its designation as a syndrome". In fact, nowadays clinicians "should evaluate and treat all CVD risk factors without regard to whether a patient meets the criteria for diagnosis of the "metabolic syndrome" (1). 

The fact is there are a growing number of physicians who are capable of early recognition of Pre-Metabolic Syndrome and after years or decades, identify the metabolic one, which always follows the former (2, 3). In addition, at the base alteration in these syndromes there are both parenchymal and microvascular inherited alterations, which parallel the former, according to my theory of Angiobiopathy, which completes Tischendorf's Angiobiotopy theory (2-6).

As a matter of fact, alterations of microvascular tissue units account for the reason that great arterial vessels and particularly microvessels show an impaired motility, i.e., vasomotility and vasomotion,
according to Hammersen. [I refer also to personal web sites  Biophysical-Semeiotic Constitutions, and ] (2-6). Indeed, neither all dyslipidaemics nor diabetics present metabolic syndrome, both classic and "variant", as I have previously described (2, 3, 5, 6)

Certainly, interventions involving lower blood pressure, glycaemia, serum cholesterol, and other risk factors [such as clinically diagnosed IIR] reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease regardless of initial levels, and decreases the risk factors as much as possible. However, my personal lengthy clinical experience has taught me that we must go beyond the known risk factors. In fact, Primary Prevention of the most common and dangerous human pathologies, e.g. CVD, depends clearly upon easy and immediate bedside detection of individuals at "real" risk, potentially from birth, i.e. well-defined biophysical-semeiotic constitutions, assessed clinically in a quantitative way (5).

In order to clinically define a particular constitution and related real risk, which does not exclude the presence of several constitutions, it is necessary to consider a present possibility of gathering biophysical-semeiotic data at the bedside.   This would include the necessary biological and molecular-biological information on the various human organs, tissues and biological systems, and at the same time reveal numerous types of biophysical-semeiotic constitutions (even from the quantitative point of view).

Without any doubt, these data cannot be observed in either traditional physical or sophisticated semeiotics.  On a larger scale, the latter, is unable to carry molecular-biological events to clinical dimension, which represents the most original and fertile aspect of Biophysical Semeiotics and allows the doctor to correctly diagnose Pre-Metabolic and Metabolic Syndrome. In addition, despite the level of physical examination performed, sophisticated semeiotics are expensive, making their use on a large scale basis unlikely. I am sure that going beyond the traditional risk factors represents a new medical "Weltanschauung".  In addition it would require open-minded physicians as "peer-reviewers", though unfortunately seem harder to find in present times.


1) Kahn R, Ferrannini E., Stern M. Joint statement  from the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
Diabetes Care 28:2289-2304, 2005

2) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno Oncologico.
Travel Factory, Roma, 2004., 2004

3) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Single Patient Based  Medicine.La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina.
Travel Factory, Roma,2005., 2005

4) Stagnaro S., West PJ., Hu FB., Manson JE., Willett  WC. Diet and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jan 24;346(4):297-298.

5) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S.;Costituzione Colelitiasica: ICAEM- a, Sindrome di Reaven variante e Ipotonia-Ipocinesia delle vie biliari. Atti. XII Settim. It. Dietol. e Epatol. 20, 239, 1993.

6) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Diagnosi Clinica Precoce dell'Osteoporosi con la Percussione Ascoltata. Clin.Ter. 137, 21-27, 1991 [MEDLINE] .



24.03.2006 - Oncogenesis is Oncological Terrain-dependent.

Molecular Lab:

Firstly I precise that for many years have been member of the AAAS (for health reasons!!! Now I’not); secondly I admit that kindly has posted recently a my wide comment (Stagnaro Sergio. Single Patient Based Medicines: its paramount role in Future Medicines. Public Library of Science, 2005,; finally that from at least ten years my biography is published every year (even in 2007 Edition) on Who' s Who in America... and other volumes of the sort published in the States, including most famous one of the North Carolina... I state all that in order to avoid misinterpretions. O Moreover, I assert that every researcher would have to study  PHILOSOPHY well, in this case Hume. Conditio sine qua non of the oncogenesis is represented by a congenital alteration – transmitted from mother like all other mitochondrial citopathy - of the psico-neuro-endocrine-of immunity system, that it is based exactly on a singular mitochondrial pathology. In this predisposition, as the title descriptive indicates clearly, a primary role is carried out from the reduced immune system. I would want to say american friends that presence of bacteria (innocent bystander) in the center of a tumor, either mammary or pancreatic or tyroid, or prostatic a.s.o....., as the following "simplest" clinical evidence demonstrates: the tumor ALWAYS is present in subject Oncological Terrain- positive, BUT in the precise location – recognized since BIRTH - of the oncological "Real Risk" detected with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics (See in this website Oncological Terrain, and Bibliography). In other words, individuals positive for Oncological Terrain, BUT without oncological "Real Risk" in the prostate will not never suffer from prostatic cancer, regardless the type of life style, as 50-year-long clinical "experience allows me to state " (sic!).



27.12.2005 - Letter to Minister Storace about Oncogenesis

Dear Minister of the Health, On. Francesco Storace, Rome.

Today is Christmas and I am sure that you, too, are thinking that I would have do much better to put between parenthesis the problems that harass us day after day and to enjoy the peace that this Holy Day gives to the men He loves. However, the problems, I am speaking of, are really singular, interesting not only who write, but also about 33% of the Italian population, who are positive for Oncological Terrain. Moreover, I, ahead in the years, remember with precision that the Lord has admonished us to always watch, because we do not know when He will call us to the house of the Father. The unfortunate outcome of two my previous Open Letters, sended to the former Ministers of the Health, makes me forsee that also this claim of mine will reveal a "vox clamantis in desert". A result of primary importance has already been caught up however: my conscience is clean like always.

I would like, Mr. Minister of the Health, to tell you of a new way of war against cancer, realizable without any expenses for the NHS on very large scale, i.e., on entire population involved by Oncological Terain, and, most important, by "Real Risk" of tumour. At this point, On. Francesco Storace, since You completely ignore these concepts of Clinical Oncology, You will surely ask yourself what I’m speaking of. No worry! These terms, in fact, are overlooked completely also by italian oncologists and "ignored" by the two former Ministers, mentioned above. I am truly happy, instead, because in foreign countries the results of my clinical researches, gathered with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics, are taken into critical consideration and published. For instance, Mr. Minister you can read my comment recently posted  by an world-known USA website:

<<< Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region are frequent in cervical cancer
Himani Sharma, Archna Singh, Chandresh Sharma, Sunesh K Jain, and Neeta Singh,
Cancer Cell International 2005, 5:34     doi:10.1186/1475-2867-5-34

Comments on this article (1)

Mitochondrial Bed-Side Evaluation: a new Way in the War against Cancer.


Mitochondrial Bed-Side Evaluation: a new Way in the War against Cancer.

Sergio Stagnaro   (21 December 2005)  Biophysical Semeiotics Research Laboratory.


I agree with the autors’s conclusions of this interesting paper (Himani Sharma, Archna Singh, et al. Mutations in the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region are frequent in cervical cancer Cancer Cell International 2005, 5:34 doi:10.1186/1475-2867-5-34). In fact, in previous articles, I referred that, as a working hypothesis, I thought a long time ago that all chromosomal alterations, of whatever nature, both n-DNA and m-DNA, are necessarily accompanied with similar microvascular modification of the local microcirculatory bed, both structural and functional in nature, in subjects involved by abnormalities of pschyco-neuro-endocrinological-immune system, i.e., in malignancy biological control system, I defined as Oncological Terrain (1-6). Really, both genetical and environmental factors induce contemporaneously parenchymal and microvascular cell alterations, according to the well-known concept of Tiscendorf’s Angiobiotopie, I completed with Angiobiopathy new concept (1). In a few words, all oncological cell-dependent events (control, regulation, duplication, a.s.o.), may happen only by means of singular changes in local structural and functional microcirculation, which notoriously supplies information-material-energy to related tissue cells (See my web sites  and 

Now-a-days, thanks to Biophysical Semeiotics, we can fortunately evaluate clinically microcirculatory bed structure and function in a precise manner, e.g., of breast cancer real risk, and cancer, of course, of all other biological systems, including lymphnodes and bone-marrow, assessing clinically local vasomotility and vasomotion (1-6). Evaluating properly the type of microcirculatory activation of cancer as well as of local lymphnodes and bone-marrow (type I, associated, physiological; type II, intermediate, partially dissociated, characteristic of real oncological risk, and finally type III, dissociated, indicating cancer onset) we can evaluate in a quantitative way the alterations of physiological relation between vasomotility (= chaotic deterministic oscillations of small arterioles and arterioles, according to Hammersen, on the one hand, and vasomotion (= chaotic deterministic oscillations of related capillary and post-capillary primary venules), since the intensity of such as dissociation is correlated with the seriousness of underlying oncological disorders.

1) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologic. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

2) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

3) Stagnaro-Neri M., Moscatelli G. Stagnaro S., Biophysical Semeiotics: deterministic Chaos and biological Systems. Gazz. Med. It. Arch. Sc. Med. 155, 125 ,1996

4) Stagnaro Sergio. "Genes, Oncological Terrain, and Breast Cancer" World Journal of Surgical Oncology., 2005,

5) Stagnaro Sergio. Relevance of Mitochondria in Cancerogenesis. Journal of Carcinogenesis. 2005, 4:1 doi:10.1186/1477-3163-4-1

6) Stagnaro Sergio. Bed-Side Evaluating Breast Cancer Real Risk. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2005, 3:67 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-3-67. 2005>>>.  

I am perfectly aware of the difficulties that involve changing paradigms in Medicine, to modify the "Status Quo" in the field of Oncology, suggesting physicians to follow new ways in the war against cancer: physicians who are on old positions which proved to be insufficient, harmful, insufficiently effective, based on bias, to often founded on wrong bases, e.g., considering in the pathogenesis of cancer only the mutations of the nuclear DNA, easier to study, overlooking the mitochondrial DNA (V., Oncological Terrain, and Bibliography). My clinical experience of 49 years, formerly with the aid of Auscultatory Percussion, and then with Biophysical Semeiotics, allows me to state that if the new concepts – Oncological Terrain and oncological "Real Risk" are not learned as well as utilised,  we will never be authorized neither to speak of, nor able of leading a truly effective and not expensive war against cancer in individuals rationally selected since birth. In such as original war against malignancy, wherein General Practitioners will play a paramount role, the diet, etymologically speaking, and the use of Coniugated-Melatonine, according to Di Bella-Ferrari, represent the unavoidable tools to utilize in personalized way.

I hope, finally, that this my open letter will fortunately find a favourable acceptance, offering also to You the promise of my advise, based on a long firm experience, but not surely my practical participation for health reasons.

Best regards

Sergio Stagnaro MD.

General Practitione. Retired

Founder of Biophysical semeiotics

16037 Riva Trigoso (Genova)

Holy Christmas 2005


10.09.2005 - Biophysical Semeiotics on indian prime medical website

Since August 2005, indian website is posting paper of Biophysical Semeiotics in its page Cyber Lectures. This event is a great honour for me, because 50 years long I am doing researches on the field of physical semeiotics in a technologized world. I invite, therefore, my readers to visit such as ineteresting and up-dated website, wherein they will find also my Cyber Lectures.



26.06.2005 - Necessity and usefullness of the acquaintance of the Symptomatology Biophysics. 

From the epistemiological viewpoint, biophysical-semeiotic theory for being accepted from world-wide medical class must necessarily be more valid and to supply a larger number of information than the previous one, that, among others considerations, has exceeded many controls in the course of the time. In following, five reasons that justify the necessity and the usefullness of the acquaintance of the Symptomatology Biophysics by doctors, are illustrated.

1)   Biophysical Semeiotics has allowed the discovery of the Oncological Terrain (1), conditio sine qua non of the malignant tumors. The acquaintance of this predisposition to malignancy, genetically directed and transmitted generally by means of the mother, renders the selection of the subjects with oncological terrain possible and, moreover, it allows quantitatively to recognize the real center of their risk, estimated in a “quantitative” way, base of cancer primary prevention, in "all" individuals predisposed to this pathology. Finally, the individuals can properly be selected and enlisted in a rational way, avoiding useless and expensive examinations, always conduct partially and not adequately, ending in enormous expenses for the SSN, and causing serious and avoidable worries for those who are free from oncological terrain, and obtaining very poor results (2).

2)   Biophysical Semeiotics has allowed the description of numerous constitutions, among which the dyslipidaemic "and" diabetic constitution, conditio sine quan non of the type 2 diabetes (that is the 90-95% of all the cases). The primary prevention of the type 2 diabetes is today clinical and is founded on the diet, etimologically speaking, and on the histangioprotective drug use (3, 4, 5).

3)   Biophysical Semeiotics permitted to discover the Pre-Metabolic Syndrome, classic and varied, the later conditio sine quan non not of lithiasis (1), that  follows to the several constitutions (diabetic, dyslipidaemica, hypertensive, gouthy, osteoporotic, etc.) and it precedes of years or decades the Metabolic Syndrome, that can end in notes metabolic and cardiovascular pathologies, actual epidemics (1, 3, 5, 6) (V. Practical Applications, 6 articles on Mellito Diabetes). The Pre-Metabolica Syndrome represents the "locus" of the Primary Prevention appliable on very large scale in individuals rationally selected.

4)   Biophysical Semeiotics allowed the description of methods reliable to clinicians, rapid on application and, therefore, usefull to doctor in bed-side assessing quantitatively important citochine of the adipose tissue, like Adiponectine and the Leptin, which, through the stimulation of the PPARs, play a primary role in the glico-lipidic metabolism and aterogenesis (, Practical Applications). In addition, doctor can monitor at the bed-side the metabolic-endocrine state in objective way, express and reproducable according to need (Bibliography in the situated one).

5)   Biophysical Semeiotics permitts early diagnosis of numerous and common humen diseases (including appendicitis) (7, 8, 9) facilitating the diagnostic iter and reducing the HNS expense (e.g., avoiding useless hospitalization and the excessive recource to the laboratory and the department of the images)


1) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico”. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

2) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., La Melatonina nella Terapia del Terreno Oncologico e del “Reale Rischio” Oncologico. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004

3) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

4) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Single Patient Based Medicine.La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

5) Stagnaro S. Pivotal role of Biophysical Semeiotic Constitutions in Primary Prevention. Cardiovascular Diabetology.2003, 2:1,

6) Sergio Stagnaro Biophysical Semeiotic Constitutions, Genomics, and Cardio-Vascular Diseases. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2004,


03.03.2005 - Is  the Silence of “all” National Health Service Authorities on Biophysical Semeiotics ethical?

The following Rapid Response has been posted the 25 February, 2005 on the website and on the italian website


I agree, of course, with the statement that “Ethical considerations should apply to all medical practice, but many people act as if they apply only to research”. However, I cannot define ethical the behaviour of  “all” National Health Service Authorities, particularly the italian NHS Authorithy,  ethics committees, journal editors, including BMJ, although posts kindly my weekly Rapid Responses, a.s.o.  (with the only exclusion of  “Planning for the EU public Health Portal” at URL:  (Pg 36), regarding my researches with the aid of Biophysical Semeiotics (See, and Bibliography), initiated 50 years ago as Auscultatory Percussion, ended at the moment in descovering a large number of constitutions, as dyslipidaemic, diabetic, hypertensive, arteriosclerotic, glaucomatous, osteoporotic, and particularly Oncological, i.e., Oncological Terrain conditio sine qua non of malignancy (2-6). All these Biophysical Semeiotics results were met by silence for 50 years. Neither corroboration nor falsification, according to a non-ethical and no scientific behaviour!


1) Wade D.T.Ethics, audit, and research: all shades of grey. BMJ  2005;330:468-471 (26 February), doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7489.468

2) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico”. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

3) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni  Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

4) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Cancro della mammella: prevenzione primaria e diagnosi precoce con la percussione ascoltata. Gazz. Med. It. – Arch.  Sc.  Med. 152, 447,1993

5) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Diagnosi Clinica Precoce dell’Osteoporosi con la  Percussione Ascoltata. Clin.Ter. 137, 21-27, 1991 [MEDLINE] 

6) Stagnaro S., Diet and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes.  N Engl J Med. 2002 Jan 24;346(4):297-298. letter [MEDLINE]


09.02.2005 - Information-disinformation: who informs the informers!

From many years by now we have convinced themselves that the total communication cancels the borders surely, and is this a positive side, but at the same time he is not always in a position to supplying quality and "democracy". We think, as an example, to the energetic sources alternatives to the oil, possible, little expensive and especially not polluting. Or we think next to the effective fight against most common, serious, mortal or invalidating human diseases, that they could be vanquished, in great part naturally, if the existence of the several constitutions - diabetic, dislipidemica, hypertensive, glaucomatous, arteriosclerotic, osteoporotic, lithiasic, and above all oncological - if the so-called competent HNS Authorities as well as Health Minister "honestly" would discusse about “biophysical-semeiotc constitutions” and finally they will gives these knowledges to the doctors, including those unwilling to medical continue education, and to common people. In fact, beside the EBM also SPBM does really exist (1-4 exists also). This favorable event is unavoidable in order to rationally select in a precise way the individuals that need really of primary prevention and the successive therapeutic monitoring: the true progress of the humanity, after all, often consists in removing the patina of the time to things already known but forgotten. It must ask to us, as an example that sense has to undertake a primary prevention against a defined pathology in individuals that will not never suffer from this disease because you deprive of the relative "constitution semeiotico-biophysics".


1) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico”. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

2)  Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. La Melatonina nella Terapia del Terreno Oncologico e del “Reale Rischio” Oncologico. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

3) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Le Costituzioni  Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

4) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Single Patient Based Medicine. La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.


19.12.2004 - Unified Pathogenetic Theory

Does it really exist? What are her consequences for future Medicine? Link


18.11.2004 - Biophysical Semeiotics becomes art

The picture outlines in a really artistic way Biophysical Semeiotics fundamental achievement, i.e., the definition of diverse constitutions, doctor can easily and rapidly recognize and quantify at the bed side. The artist will show how these scientific descoveries, all temporary in nature, are mainly based on former greatest Physician work.

Semeiotica BioPhisica (cm 100 x 80): affresco & assecco su intonaco

Paola Contili (Avigliano Umbro, Terni)


Lettera aperta al Ministro della Salute, Prof. Sirchia, sulla prevenzione primaria “clinica” del cancro mammario.;

[Such as letter can be read in following URLs (27 August 2004)]


To the italian Minister of the Health, Prof. Sirchia.

As you knows very well, the screening of the cancer does not coincide at all with the primary prevention of the malignant tumor: all SSN, in Italy and the world, have lead and lead, with remarkable expenses, "limited, fail to fulfill" and partially effective screenings for breast cancer, but never one true campaign of primary prevention on the entire, both male and feminine population: actually, also the male sex can be hit from breast cancer. In truth, for being able to realize successfully a primary prevention of a tumor between the most diffuse, which causes elevated mortality and suffering, the doctors and the competent sanitary authorities, must know the oncological constitution, i.e., the Oncologico Terrain, and the Oncological Real Risk (1, 2) (See web-site, HONCode 233736,  Oncological Terrain), component of the Single Patient Based Medicines, suggested also from the Competent Authorities in "Planning for the EU Public Health Portal", web-site Europe Health Alliance, at this URL (page 36)

I write, Mr. Minister, this opened letter on "clinical" primary prevention of breast cancer for two reasons principally: 

A) a 47 year-long clinical experience allows me to state that “clinical” primary prevention of breast cancer must unavoidably be preceded from rational selection of "all" individuals of both sexes, involved by  Oncological Terrain "and" Oncological Real Risk in a mammary quadrant (or more, of course), recognizable and easily quantificated with the Biophysical Semeiotics. In fact, Mr. Minister, the absence of the Oncological Real Risk in the breast, in a subject with Oncological Terrain, excludes beyond every doubt the possibility of occurrence of breast cancer (1, 2); 

B) from always I agree perfectly with following thought: "It is difficult to remove methods perfectly organized, from the long tradition, supported from famous names also, based on an elegant, but wrong doctrinaire equipment; strong from political, economic, organizational, financial, pseudosocial view-point. We dare to face such as paramount problem, more than in the conviction to succeed and to resolve, in order not to feel in guilt towards ourselves".(Luigi Di Bella: "Cancer: we are on the just way?". Editions Travel Factory Srl - Rome, 2001).

The performance of this original  intervention of primary prevention of breast cancer, surely other that expensive, but effectively involving "all" citizens with oncological real risk, need of the essential participation of General Practitioners, who play a role of primary importance.

The various stages of this prevention can be, generally, established as follows, awaiting obviously  the definitive contributions by authorities specialized in this type of operations concerning public health and by the ethical committees; regarding eventually expectable objection, i.e., the possible discrimination of the positive citizens for the Oncologico Land, I, former-bearer of oncological constitution, put the question:” What does it meanto spend huge sums of money in searches on the genetic code and the mutations of "the single" DNA nuclear, in the light of such suspects discrimination?

1) In a city, Province or Region, firstly must be recognized the individuals with Oncological Terrain and with Real Mammary Oncological Risk, quickly and easy quantified; secondly,  they have to be recorded in complete way on an appropriate document, to use in the successive controls. These individuals, completely learned by their physicians about the causes and of the ends of the prevention, are enlisted in the primary prevention organized and directed by the ASLs, in ways to establish properly. 2) All the subjects selected therefore undergo to the preventive dietetic measures ,meaning the diet in etimological sense, and treatment, personally administered (1, 2). In such as prevention I am using Melatonina-Adenosina – tablet with 2 mgr and 9 mgr, respectively – two cpr before going to sleep, in average. 3) The first "clinical" control is advisable that after 20-25 days of therapy, to assess the disappearing of mithochondrial cytopathology, underlying Oncological Terrain, and, in succession, of the Oncological Terrain and finally of the Oncological Real Risk. In case of therapy failure other drugs are necessary (somatostatin will be added opportunely, solution of anti-oxidants vitamins, "radioactive" needles placed properly, i.e., inserted in the exact center of real risk. 4) In the absence of microcirculatory and biological-molecular events, which urged the prevention, the therapeutic monitoring, could be applied every month for three months, and then in case of success, every six months, recording naturally the incidence of breast cancer in entire population, under or not threatment. 5) After a number of 5 or more years, the effectiveness of the primary prevention could be assessed, whose benefits clearly are held under rigid control.

Due to personal physical conditions, and not only because of my age, surely I can not allow me to participate actively to this prevention, to which I can only assure all the my "theoretical" contribution and of competence in the Biophysical Semeiotics.

I thank you, Mr. Minister of the Health, for the kind acceptance.

Best regards and greetings of All God.



Last update: March 18, 2018